Monday, May 26, 2014

Right Where We Need To Be

Last week on the Honest Mom Instagram feed I posted a photo about not wanting to wallow in anymore sadness from the bad news that seems to be hitting our family from every angle. We unplugged from everything that night and drank orangeritas--heavy on the tequila--and made a dinner that we typically reserved for December holidays that made our house smell like home and familiar while a thunderstorm rocked the trees outside our house and I hoped that this little life storm would pass quickly. Reid put on goggles and danced his pants-less self around the family room with a pirate sword in hand and I let myself laugh from a place that wasn't anticipating the next piece of sadness.

But like this year has been, it found us again on Friday, and I began to wonder if this house we moved into not even a year ago was cursed. Did we pick a house that was full of rotten karma? Did we pick a spot in the world with a permanent gray cloud over it? And yeah, I blamed the house, because...Because!!

I spent the weekend with our neighbors--yard working, happy houring, brunching, laughing, crying, hugging; and I spent it with my momma friends--birthday partying, snow cone eating, nose wiping, band-aid applying; and I spent it with those extra special twenty-plus-year-long friends--coffee drinking, belly laughing, reminiscing, story-telling--and I had the most wonderful epiphany that I so desperately needed:

We are exactly where we need to be, bad year or not, placed just so because of the people that are nearby, that we share the life with.

I'm getting a lot of comfort from that.

Life and storms and dancing in the rain and blah blah blah--that's all grand to do by yourself, but who's going to hold your hand and do it with you? Who hands you the umbrella and the Wellies and finds the biggest puddles and brings the wireless Bose speaker with the pre-made iTunes thunderstorm soundtrack?

I need these people, and I'm feeling oh-so-grateful not just for them, but for this new mindset of weathering the storm with them.


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