Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Meet the Team: Amber

Soon after our first daughter arrived prematurely via a terrifying delivery, I quickly realized that my perfectionist nature and motherhood could not coexist. And that's okay!

I don't have all the answers, but having the ability to positively connect with other parents has been so meaningful and helpful.

We aren't superheroes, but we try. Every day.

First name: Amber. Mommy. Madame.
Kids: Madelyn (5 1/2), Olivia (2 1/2). Murphy & Milo.
Five random things you like: Coffee. Soccer. Reading crime novels. Red wine. Cleaning and organizing.
City: Dayton
Jobs: French teacher. Mom. Wife. Builder of enthusiasm (just ask my first period class!). Referee to daughter drama and squabbles. Hug giver.
Vices: Cheese. Lip gloss. Flats.
Your Superhero power, if you could have one: The ability to always be on time for any and everything.

Look for Amber's posts the second week of every month!

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