Monday, December 9, 2013

Meet the Team: Julia

It takes a village.

And maybe today's village is a little different from the village of our mothers, grandmothers, and beyond. We have to work together and find our own village in a new way.

This project is my village. Let's navigate the roller coaster of parenting together. I promise to not brag about my Pinterest wins (because I don't have any) or gloat about my perfect children (because I don't have those either), but I'll do my best to make you laugh and raise your spirits. 

That's an honest mom's job. 

First name: Julia. Mama. Babe.
Kids: L (4) and A (almost 2).
Five random things you like: Coffee with cream and sugar. Yoga pants. Rainy days. Young adult novels. 90s movies.
City: Columbus.
Jobs: Pediatric ER Doctor. Mother. Wife. Launderess.
Vices: Baked goods. Red wine.
Your Superhero power, if you could have one: Create a place where people treat others as they themselves would like to be treated. And to conjure red wine out of thin air.

Look for Julia's posts the second week of each month! 

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