Thursday, December 5, 2013

Meet the Team: Melissa

Humor keeps me sane. If I weren't able to make fun of myself or make light of how crazy my kids are acting, I would not be able to fully enjoy parenting. I might be a little Type A, but I strive to find a light-hearted work/life balance with two young kids.

First name: Melissa. Mel. Mom. Sissa.
Kids: Mac (3), Graham (1). And Roxy.
Five random things you like: Iced Tea. The Today Show. St. Patrick's Day. Las Vegas. Glittery nail polish (I'd make it rain glitter if I could; too bad I only have boys!).
City: Dublin
Jobs: Legal Marketer. Mac & G's mom. Writer & Grammar Aficionado (but I still make plenty of mistakes).
Vices: Target. Designer jeans. Malbec.
Your Superhero power, if you could have one: Obliterate childhood hunger.

Look for Melissa's posts the first week of every month!

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