Monday, December 2, 2013

Meet the Team: Kristin

We feel better as parents when we know we aren't alone; we are all awesome, but sometimes we need a connection to a larger group of people to remind us that we are. 

First name: Kristin. Mom. Madame Kauffman. Keek.
Kids: Will (4), Reid (almost 2). Fisher & Lulu. Kitty.
Five random things you like: Coffee with cream and sugar. Yoga. Morning kid snuggles. Leggings. Changing a room's paint color. 
City: Cincinnati
Jobs: French teacher. Mom. Self-esteem builder. Nose wiper. Hug giver. Killer mac-n-cheese chef.
Vices: Cheese pizza. Birthday cake frosting. Fantastic heels.
Your Superhero Power, if you could have one: The ability to show every person they are loved and needed. And awesome.

Look for Kristin's posts every Monday morning.

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