Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Meet the Team: Laura

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still. 

In photographs, I strive to capture moments, instances, and memories... big, small, candid, monumental, forgettable, simple, and most importantly, honest. 

First name: Laura
Kids: Colin Patrick (3) and Jack Rowan (almost 2, although if you ask, he'll say 3)
Five random things you like: Spell check. Diet Coke. Being on time. Flats. Reading books that don't require animal noises.
City: Avon Lake (just west of Cleveland)
Jobs: Financial planner for a software company. Family photographer. Shadow-puppet expert. Chauffeur. Self-declared Elf on the Shelf over-achiever.
Vices: Frozen peanut butter cups. Amazon Prime. Brunch.
Your Superhero power, if you could have one: The ability to freeze--or speed up--time.

Look for Laura's posts the first week of every month! 

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