Monday, March 10, 2014

The Light-Up Shoes Lesson

I was certain that my boys would never like Superheroes. They wouldn't wear Superman t-shirts, or Spider-Man rain boots, or Batman Halloween costumes while shopping at July. I also said they wouldn't watch TV, or eat hot dogs, and most importantly, they'd never own those ridiculous shoes that light up when you walk.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, and much to my dismay, wrong. 

Superheroes? To say the boys are obsessed is an understatement. You name it, we've got a costume, mask, action figure, sticker, fruit snack, puzzle, vitamin, sleeping bag, or underpants with one on it. Last week, Jack got in trouble at school for pushing his friends. When we talked about it in the car on the way home, he looked at me, in complete sincerity, and said, "But I'm Hulk." Sigh.

TV? My three year old can operate Netflix with more efficiency than I can. I think our bookshelf is getting a little dusty because of the lure of Phineas & Ferb, Scooby Doo, and Super Why.

Hot dogs?  We might as well own stock in Hebrew National. Grilled, boiled, microwaved, or on a stick...always painstakingly cut into tiny bite-size pieces.

Which brings me to light up shoes. Up until last Thursday I had avoided them like the plague. In fact, I avoided shoes stores in general. Giving them the option to choose their own shoes? A complete recipe for disaster. Instead, I guessed their shoe size and ordered from Amazon. Cheaper, no possibility for public shoe store meltdowns, and I was in complete control of brand and style. Plus, I loathe shopping at the mall. 

Shortly after Christmas (and by shortly, I mean December 26th) Colin started talking about his birthday (which is on April 1st). He's constantly revising his wish list, with the exception of one thing: light up shoes. Apparently everyone who is anyone in the Sapphire room at school has them. And I suppose I should count my lucky stars that he didn't ask for light up cowboy boots like one of the kids in his class.

Seriously, they actually make those. OMG.  

As he was jabbering away about the shoes I had a flashback to my childhood--remember Keds? I wanted a pair so badly, and everyone who was anyone had them. But instead my mom bought me the generic version, with a little green rubber emblem on the back. I was mortified. 

So, with the newly surfaced memory that I had repressed from my youth, and the fact that Colin's toes were smashed into his size and a half too small shoes, I caved. After careful research on the Stride Rite website, I found a pair of light up shoes that weren't completely hideous, and we trekked to the mall. When we got there, I remembered why I only shop online. A few deep breaths, a squirt or two of hand sanitizer, and we continued on our journey to the mecca of light up shoes.

As we entered the store, Colin and Jack's eyes lit up, just like the overpriced shoes we were about to purchase. I guided them over to the orange shoes I had carefully selected, and by the grace of God, they loved them. So much so that Colin started squeezing his 11.5 foot into the much smaller display shoe in excitement, declaring that they fit!   

Over $100 later we left the store with two very satisfied customers, and four very bright orange light up shoes. I watched the boys happily stomp back to the car admiring their new shoes, giggling and shrieking in pure delight the entire time.

The lesson here?  Maybe the running shoes I've been buying for the last few years that don't light up are like the generic Keds I wore as a child. I needed to get over myself. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter if they have light up shoes? They make them happy. Colin even took his shoes to bed with him the first night to use as a "flashlight." They get ready in the morning easier and faster. And to me, that is priceless.

Our preconceived notion of what our children will do, like, and be is often very different from reality. Trust me, I know. And it's okay. In fact, I'm the one at Target pushing the cart with the child dressed up as a Superhero (in March).

Luckily summer is around the corner, which means one thing: Croc season.

They don't make light up Crocs do they?!?


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