Monday, March 24, 2014

The Spring Break SAHM Shower

I get to play the SAHM role quite a bit during my various teacher holidays.

Today started Spring Break.

I decided to "sleep in" (7 a.m.) and enjoy a leisurely morning.

At 9 a.m., it was time to shower. While my usual work day showers start at 5:30 a.m., and I'm groggy and tired and sad that I'm not still in bed, I'll take it over the 9 a.m. SAHM shower.

First I sat--nearly naked--on the cold tile floor to read Hop on Pop to Reid, who was crying that I was even getting in the shower in the first place. You know that glass door that would separate us is pretty much the same as me being in another country.

I then ran into the water before he could reattach those little fingers to my wrist and whack me with the book, but the glass door just made him cry harder. (So at this point, I'd actually rather be in another country.)

After attempts at singing to him and playing a lame game of hide-and-seek with my washcloth, I decided to send him on an errand.

Which turned into ten errands.

Which is how I ended up with an assortment of nail polishes, and the chapstick and moisturizer from my nightstand with me. In the shower.

I think I'll be getting up at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow to shower in peace.


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