Well, I'm definitely not a mom.
But I know I didn't hesitate to say yes to adding my paternal perspective. Dads don't have it easy. My kids often drive me bat sh!t crazy.
But at the end of the day, they are my kids, and I love them dearly. I watch them sleep in their beds and there really isn't any other feeling that can replace the knowledge that they are mine. I made them.
Ok I helped.
Plus, we lost the receipt and it's too late to return them...
Kids: Pickle (4) and Burrito (almost 2).
Five random things you like: Sunday morning newspaper and coffee. DIY renovations. Acoustic guitar. The 30 quiet minutes after the kids go to bed. Barbeque.
City: Cincinnati
Jobs: Kid herder by morning. Nerdy mechanical engineer by day. Exhausted by night.
Vices: A good IPA. Peanut butter m&ms. Power tools.
Your Superhero power, if you could have one: The ability to always say the right thing at the right time.
Look for Greg's posts the third week of every month!